Getting Married?
If he is able to marry you, the Vicar, who is also the Registrar, will meet you to discuss your plans and help you to tailor the service to suit your individual wishes. He will arrange for the Banns to be called on three Sundays before the day of your ceremony. The Church of England has a lovely website devoted to weddings. Click here to go to the wedding website.
Looking to reaffirm your vows?
If you wish to reaffirm your vows at St Mary's you should first speak to the Vicar, Revd Paul Jackson, who will be delighted to talk to you (see Contact Us page).
A Religious Blessing after your Civil Ceremony? There are many good reasons why a couple might choose to have a civil wedding rather than a church wedding. If you have decided on a civil ceremony, perhaps at the Mallyan Spout Hotel, but would like your marriage to have a religious dimension, you could have a Blessing at St Mary's afterwards. We would love to welcome you to such a service. The Vicar, Revd Paul Jackson, will be delighted to talk to you (see Contact Us page). |
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